
How to use minecraft with our proxy



Step 1 - setting up the DNS records

You need to create DNS A records with the desired subdomain for all the IP addresses of the server locations you wish to utilize.

Step 2 - Setting up the SRV record

If you're setting up your SRV record for Minecraft, the picture will display how you set it up for cloudflare

If you're using a different service like Namecheap, and there are additional boxes like Service Name and Protocol, follow these steps:

Service: _minecraft Protocol: _tcp.server Priority: 1 Weight: 1 Port: 2000

If you want to use a different port, create another subdomain and another SRV record pointing to the desired port.

NOTE the server is the subdomain so where ever you see that is the subdomain for the demo you want to make sure the port you put for the SRV is the same on the proxy so if you pick port 5000 on the proxy you will put 5000 in the SRV

Step 3 - ENJOY

Wait 5-30 minutes for your DNS records to update than you should be good to play

Last updated